At the same time, the dependency of the vibration frequency on the Coulomb bound potential and magnetic field is discussed. 同时也讨论了振动频率与库仑束缚势、磁场之间的变化关系。
Photoionization/ Photodissociation and Coulomb Explosion Studies of Diiodomethane in Intense Femtosecond Laser Field CH212分子在飞秒激光场下的电离解离及库仑爆炸研究
Ionization/ dissociation and Coulomb Explosion of CH_3I under Femtosecond Laser Field; A NUMERICAL METHOD FOR DRAWING THROUGH CIRCULAR DIES WITH COULOMB FRICTION CH3I在飞秒激光场中的电离解离与库仑爆炸通过圆弧模具库仑摩擦下的平面拉拔数值滑移线场求解
The multiphoton ionization will happen when the electric field of lasers is equivalent to the Coulomb field in a hydrogen atom. 当所用激光辐射中的电场与氢原子中电子在基态所感受到的库仑场强度相当时会出现多光子电离现象。
Energies of a finite 2D Coulomb interacting electron gas in a strong magnetic field 强磁场中库仑相互作用的少体二维电子气的能量
Perturbation solution for electron scattered by Coulomb potential in a weak laser field 弱光场下电子与库仑势散射的微扰解
The vibration frequency will increase with increasing the Coulomb bound potential and magnetic field. 量子阱中束缚磁极化子的基态能量与振动频率无关,随库仑束缚势和阱宽的增大而减小,随磁场的增大而增大。
It is shown by evaluating numerically that, when there is the magnetic field, the ground-state energy of the weak-and strong-coupling bound polaron is different because of different values of the Coulomb bound potential, magnetic field and the well-width. 通过数值计算结果表明:当加入磁场时,量子阱中弱、强耦合束缚磁极化子的基态能量随库仑束缚势、磁场和阱宽的不同而不同。
We have derived the variational relation of the ground-state energy of the bound polaron in external field in quantum well with the Coulomb bound potential, external field and the well-width by using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods. 采用线性组合算符及幺正变换方法导出了量子阱中束缚极化子的基态能量与库仑束缚势、外场和阱宽之间的变化关系。
Scattering of electrons by Coulomb potential under a strong laser field and multiphoton processes 强光场下电子与库仑势散射及多光子过程
Some problems of conductor in the state of electrostatic balance are discussed by using the diagram of field of Coulomb field, which facilitates understanding of physical field. 利用静电场的场图讨论、分析了导体在静电平衡时的一些问题,加深了对物理场的理解。
As a result of the rapid development of ultra-short and ultra-intense laser technology, the peak electric field strength of lasers has reached or exceeded the coulomb field strength seen by the electron in the ground state of atomic hydrogen. 近几年来,由于超短超强激光技术的飞速发展,尤其是飞秒激光技术的发展,激光电场的峰值场强已经达到甚至超过基态氢原子内部的库仑场强。
Some collective fluctuations of physical quantities are calculated in this paper. The second moments of electromagnetic field fluctuations, Coulomb field and representative point density fluctuations in phase space are given. 计算了等离子体物理量的集体涨落:电场涨落、磁场涨落、库仑电场涨落引起的相空间代表点密度涨落量的二级矩。
According to the Mohr Coulomb yield criterion, the stress field of a semi infinite slope is derived under a vertical uniform load q on the top of the slope. 本文根据Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则推导了半无限土坡在坡顶竖向荷载作用下的应力计算公式。
Ohm's Law of a Piece of Electric Circuit Including Power Source and Coulomb Field 一段含源电路的欧姆定律与库仑场
When the laser energy density is 1.41 J/ cm~ 2, the output waveform of CCD detector is unrecognizable with single pulse and without any output with two pulses. The damage mechanism is considered to be coulomb force of electric field from charge separation. 能量密度为1.41J/cm2时,单个脉冲就使CCD器件的输出波形无法辨认,2个脉冲后CCD器件没有任何信号输出,硬破坏源于电荷分离形成的电场库仑力。
On the basis of the Coulomb criterion, the transformation of the stress field is studied. The transformation of the stress field after the main shock may account for different stress state of earthquake sources between the foreshock and the aftershock. 根据库仑准则讨论了应力场的转换,提出主震后应力场的转换是造成前震和余震的震源应力场方向不同的原因。
The Moving Electric Charge Coulomb Law and the Electric Field 运动电荷的库仑定律与电场
Based on the basic coulomb field conservation situation, elliptic equation and quantization rules, a detail derivation process of computation of Sommerfeld's elliptical orbit of stationary state was given. 从最基本的库仑场守恒情况、椭圆方程和量子化条件出发,给出了索末菲定态椭圆轨道计算的详细推导过程。
Through the introduction of the coulomb dressed potential in weak laser field, it is analysed and deduced that only when the quiver radius of the free electron is smaller than atomic scale, the conclusion of introducing fractional dressed potential can be true. 对弱外光场条件下修饰势的引入进行分析、推导,得到仅当自由电子的颤动半径小于原子尺度时,才能引入分数形式修饰势的结论。
The calculation of the dynamic strain field caused by the seismic rupture lays a foundation for the calculation of seismic dynamic Coulomb failure stress field in the future. 地震破裂动态应变场的计算为将来实现地震动态库仑破裂应力场的计算奠定了基础。
Based on the three situations of Coulomb field formed by electric charge accumuLation, and applying the Ohm's Law of a piece of electric circuit including power source, this discusses the potential difference between two points in closed-circult. 文章针对由于电荷堆积形成的库仑场的三种情形,应用一段含源电路的欧姆定律,讨论了闭合电路中两点间的电势差问题。
The periodic orbits of an electron in a two-center Coulomb field can be classified into three types P1, P2 and P3, and then are labeled by using their winding numbers in the separable ellipsoidal coordinates. 双中心库仑场中的电子周期轨道可分为P1,P2和P3三类;
The properties of the strong-and weak-coupling bound optical polaron in a Coulomb field were studied. 研究库仑场中强、弱耦合束缚极化子的性质。
The Finite Motion in Newton& Coulomb POTENTIAL FIELD UNDER AN ARBITRARY PERTURBATION 任意微扰下的牛顿&库仑势场中的有限运动
Up to now, it is well known that core non-coulomb scattering and external applied magnetic field are the origins creating chaotic dynamics. 到现在为止,人们已经清除,原子实的非库仑散射和外加磁场的是产生混沌动力学的根源。
Parallel fast Fourier transform algorithm is used to calculate the Coulomb field distribution, and reduce the complexity of the algorithm. The computing speed is substantial increased. 利用并行快速傅立叶变换算法计算库仑场分布,降低算法复杂度,使计算速度大幅提高。
It has been investigated for the electron-positron pair creation in many cases, such as in the strong Coulomb potential and in the strong laser field. 正负电子对的产生问题已经在很多条件下研究过,如在强库仑场条件和强激光场条件下。
Due to the repulsive Coulomb field, the effective impact parameter increases, and therefore the calculated reaction cross section decreases. 库仑场的排斥效应使得核&核反应有效的碰撞参数增大,使计算的反应截面减小,同时这种修正的效应随能量增大而减小。
The mass spectrum of nitrogen in different polarized laser field was obtained, and coulomb explosion of nitrogen in intense femtosecond laser field was observed. The characterstics of the ions and the reason behind were discussed in detail. 通过测量不同激光偏振下氮气的飞行时间质谱,发现氮气分子在强激光场中发生了库仑爆炸,我们对产生的离子特性及其原因进行了详细的讨论。